
arrived London.

carried two pieces of luggaes with me

most of people say Londoners are cold

but I met lots of friendly people tonight

they helped me carry mu luggaes downstair or upstair

when I arrived Angel, one black guy passes me

he turned, and asked if I need help

I said, no, I am fine

but he insisted

then we were finding ways together

about 15 mins latter

we finnaly found Persival St.

he said his home is in roads

he can takes some orange juice

wow cool

then mins latter, he appeared again with orange juice and

one glass

ha we were drinking and chatting on the street

even people always say it's not good to believe strangers

but I am not the kind of person

the truth is

Michael is a good guy

and why not trust ur-friends-will-be ?

will meet my mum tomorrow morning

    創作者 bravemonkey 的頭像


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