He learned to live with the truth.
Not to accept it, but to live with it.
It was like living with an elephant.
From The history of love
If I happen to turn pages in a bookstore, I wouldn’t buy this book, even picking it up.
Those pages in the beginning made me confused, and bored.
I was always wondering if I should give it up.
Instead, this book caught my eyes in a good way, and I gradually understood what the story is.
It’s about a book named “The history of love.”
His true author is Leo, an old man from Poland.
He gave his friend the book in his 20s and then they parted.
Years later it was published and everyone thought the author is Zvi.
Leo had not known this until his only son died, until he met the little Alma.
There are three families involved in this real book.
Zvi’s, two Alma’s
Zvi had hidden this secret for years, especially for his beloved wife.
Leo also had a secret that his son is the famous writer Issac.
I think it’s a book as long as you have time to complete it, and will know what love is in this book.
Can you love only one girl for your life?
- Dec 27 Thu 2007 16:14
the history of love