today, I called some company for a possible article of November issue
before that call, I checked all information about that local firm and its international enterprise
that industry is remote to me
through the call, she tried to explain the comapny and its relations with its overseas company
but I didn't get it so well
she said, "Sorry to be so honest, you don't know our company very well. Maybe you are too young."
Language becomes a sharp knife pointing toward my heart.
eventually she agreed to help me contact the Taiwanese manager located in Belgium
and will send me detailed brief introduction of the comapny which is hard to find online
Her attitude suddenly changed to be sort of friendly at some point with a reason unknown.
But her words have left their tracks in my heart...
If you want to be a great journalist, those words couldn't beat you.
I tell myself to try to cheer me up then.
My hands were sweaty.