• Aug 10 Mon 2009 22:30
  • 累。

在同一天  從台北到新竹 從新竹到台中 從台中回台北

兩個採訪  一堂英文課

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從花蓮出發的有機蔬菜   一天就到了我家

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小心翼翼的把大門hold住  想說應該不會關起來

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農夫市集 - 照顧小農們的合樸/興大/微風市集

醫療照護 - 醫療器材/遠距照護

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個兒小小  但非常有活力  我喜歡!

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He reminds me that I should try to write in different styles.

I read the headout of Foreign News Reporting from Howard

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  • Jul 24 Fri 2009 21:29



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bravemonkey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I have a stable job that is too perfect to complain about.

I have a nice boyfriend and our relationship seems stable gradually.

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today, I called some company for a possible article of November issue

before that call, I checked all information about that local firm and its international enterprise

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